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Delaware Senate Democrats

Advisory: Delaware Senate, House To Reconvene On Tuesday, June 30

June 29, 2020

Both chambers of the Delaware Legislature will reconvene in a virtual format in the late evening on Tuesday, June 30, to conclude the 150th General Assembly.

The Senate will meet at 10:30 p.m. to recognize the pending retirements of Sen. Harris B. McDowell III, Secretary of the Senate Joy Bower and David Burris, chief of staff for the Senate Minority Caucus. The House will gavel in at approximately 11:45 p.m.

The second session of the 150th General Assembly will then be adjourned at about 11:55 p.m., followed by the reading of a proclamation formally convening the second special session of the 150th General Assembly just after midnight.

The convening of special sessions by the Senate and House continues a long-standing procedural tradition that allows the chambers to return after July 1 at the call of the President Pro Tempore and the Speaker of the House, respectively.

Legislative Hall will remain closed to the public during Tuesday’s proceedings.

The full session day of the Delaware State Senate will be broadcast live to the Delaware State Senate YouTube channel. A link to that channel also will be posted on the Delaware General Assembly website, and shared to the Facebook pages of the Senate Democratic Caucus and the Senate Republican Caucus.

Similarly, the House of Representatives session will be broadcast live to the House YouTube channel, with links available on the Delaware General Assembly website and caucus Facebook pages.


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