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Delaware Senate Democrats

Senate Ethics Committee Chair Sen. Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman’s statement on Sen. Darius Brown

November 17, 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | November 17, 2021
Contact: Scott Goss (302) 744-4180

Senate Majority Whip Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman, who chairs the six-member, bi-partisan Senate Rules & Ethics Committee released the following statement today:

“I have received numerous questions today regarding how the Senate Ethics Committee will handle Senator Brown case, particularly given his recent removal from the Senate Capital Improvement Committee.

Senator Brown’s trial is scheduled for early December, and as chair of the Senate Rules & Ethics Committee, I intend to monitor those proceedings closely. Whether or not Senator Brown is found guilty, I believe our Committee should review the facts of that case and other accusations of abusive behavior that may not have risen to the level of criminal conduct.

I plan to convene the Senate Rules & Ethics Committee in the weeks ahead to adopt the procedures for investigating these matters and making whatever recommendations the Committee deems appropriate to the full Delaware State Senate.”



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