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Delaware Senate Democrats

Senator Brown Selected to Chair Economic Development Subcommittee for Mayoral Transition Team

November 13, 2024

Mayor-elect John Carney announced members of his transition team in a press release Wednesday. Among more than 40 Delawareans selected to serve on the transition committee, Senator Darius Brown was appointed chair of the subcommittee focused on Jobs and Economic Development.

Brown, who has represented the Second Senatorial District since 2018, has long been a leader in revitalizing Wilmington’s economic development outlook. He hosted the Opportunity LIVES Here Summit, a series of symposiums that brought together the region’s top economic development partners to discuss initiatives like the Three Rivers Area Economic Development Master Plan.

In the legislature, Brown championed legislation like Senate Bill 83, which established the Delaware Community Investment Venture Fund to develop opportunities for banking organizations and credit unions doing business in Delaware to better serve the needs of low to moderate income tracts in Delaware. Brown also sponsored Senate Bill 254 (S), which created the Delaware Grocery Initiative, a statewide pilot program to combat food deserts.

Mayor-elect Carney also launched, a webpage that will help Wilmington residents stay informed about the transition process, send ideas and feedback to the Mayor-elect and his transition team, and submit resumes to be considered for positions in the next mayoral administration. City of Wilmington residents can submit an employment interest application on or by sending a resume to


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