This Act amends the Charter of the Town of Millville. Section 1 of the Act revises the closing time for the closing of the polls on the day of the municipal election, from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. The Town relies on volunteers to serve on the Town’s Board of Elections and as Election Officers, and only a few voters cast their votes after 6 p.m. Section 2 of the Act resolves a potential inconsistency in the Town Charter. Section 8 describes the Town Council’s annual organizational meeting and provides in pertinent part in subsection (b), “The Town Council shall likewise elect a Secretary and a Treasurer from its own number to serve until the first regular meeting after the next Annual Municipal Election.” Striking the one-year term for the Secretary under Section 16(a) avoids a conflict in the exact length of the appointment, in favor of Section 16’s provisions that include all positions and account for the possibility that the time between organizational meetings may technically be longer than one year.
House Bill 391