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Delaware Senate Democrats


Senate Bill 332

Because 9-1-1 dispatchers work mostly 12-hour shifts, they face scheduling difficulties for filling out their 40-hour-work week and covering shifts for sick workers. This Act allows their overtime to be calculated based on a 14-day pay period to give them […]

Senate Bill 344

This Act protects patients from unfair debt collection practices for medical debt, including prohibiting large health care facilities from charging interest and late fees, requiring facilities to offer reasonable payment plans, limiting the sale of debt to debt collectors unless […]

Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 334

Allows restaurants that sell ice cream containing up to 10% alcohol by volume to sell such ice cream without the requirement that the customer also purchase at least $10 of other food. […]

Senate Bill 343

Less than a week after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and left all regulation surrounding abortion up to individual states, Sen. Gay sponsored an amendment to the Delaware Constitution that would have ensured every Delawarean is afforded […]

Senate Bill 343