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Delaware Senate Democrats

Senate Bill 5

Raymond Seigfried
Senate Bill 5

While chairing the Senate Elections & Government Affairs Committee, Sen. Gay passed legislation that made voter registration a faster and easier process for thousands of Delawareans.

Senate Bill 5 allowed all applications for a driver’s license in Delaware to also serve as a voter registration application and permitted the Delaware Department of Motor Vehicles to streamline the voter registration process by automatically sharing those documents with the Delaware Department of Elections.

To further protect the sanctity of Delaware’s voter rolls, SB 5 instructed the DMV to withhold information from the Department of Elections anytime someone fails to provide proof of U.S. citizenship. Each new voter registered through the automatic DMV system also receives a notice in the mail confirming their new voter status and asking them to choose a political party online or by mail. Voters registered through the DMV’s automatic voter registration system also have an opportunity to select a political party at a polling site during the first primary election after they have registered.