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Delaware Senate Democrats

Statement from Sen. Dave Sokola, Rep. Pete Schwartzkopf on insurrection in Washington D.C.

January 7, 2021

“Yesterday’s insurrection at the United States Capitol was surreal to many who watched it unfold on live television. Regrettably, though, it wasn’t the least bit surprising. When anti-democracy forces ascend to power and incendiary language is repeatedly deployed to stoke fear and division, acts of violence by sinister forces are the direct outcome.

While we are horrified by yesterday’s attack on our democracy, we must look forward. As leaders in the General Assembly, we have a responsibility to do everything possible to prevent similar chaos from overwhelming our own capitol. We also must insist on proportional law enforcement responses that discern between peaceful protests and criminal behavior. We will be meeting with Capitol Police and the Office of Homeland Security for a thorough review of our security protocols.

First and foremost, we must protect the health and safety of our colleagues, our staff and the public who visit Legislative Hall to lawfully exercise their democratic freedoms.

In the face of unprecedented angst and turmoil, the clearest path to restoring order to our Republic is by rolling up our sleeves and dispensing with the difficult work of democracy. Congress proved that last night, and we intend to do our part in the days and weeks ahead by making meaningful progress that will enhance the lives and livelihoods of all Delawareans.”



STATEMENT: Diamond State Port Corporation Appointments

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | March 13, 2025 Contact: Sarah Fulton (302) 401-1114 DOVER — In response to Governor Meyer’s appointments to the Diamond State Port Corporation, Senate President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola issued the following statement: “My colleagues and I […]


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Senate Democrats Respond to Presidential Address

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | March 5, 2025 Contact: Sarah Fulton (302) 401-1114 DOVER — In response to last night’s presidential address, Senate President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola, Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, and Senate Majority Whip Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman issued a joint statement on behalf […]

Senate Democrats Respond to Presidential Address