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Delaware Senate Democrats

Joint Legislative Oversight and Sunset Committee to review 9 public bodies in 2022

January 10, 2022

DOVER – The Joint Legislative Oversight and Sunset Committee will review nine entities – five councils, three commissions and a committee – when the Legislature returns for the second half of the 151st General Assembly in January 2022.

JLOSC selected the nine entities in March based on a list prepared by staff made up of boards and commissions that have never before undergone oversight review. Being selected for review is not indicative of problems or concerns with an entity’s performance, but rather part of JLOSC’s commitment to review all applicable agencies, commissions, councils, and boards authorized under Title 29, Chapter 102 of Delaware Code.

“Our job on JLOSC is to revisit bodies created by legislative action over the years to verify whether there is still a genuine public need for them to exist and whether they are performing effectively to meet the need for which they were created in the first place,” said Rep. Sherry Dorsey Walker, who will serve as chair of JLOSC in 2022. “I want to commend our staff for recommending a slate of public bodies for review this year that will be coming before us for a performance review for the first time ever.”

Created in 1980, JLOSC is a bipartisan and bicameral committee made up of five Senators and five Representatives. The committee is supported by two nonpartisan analysts, a legislative attorney, a research analyst, a legislative fellow, and an administrative assistant.

Each year, staff completes a preliminary evaluation of various entities and submits recommendations to the committee in the winter. JLOSC members then vote each spring on the public bodies that will be reviewed the following year with seven votes needed to select each entity. Staff then conducts a more extensive performance review and submits a report to the committee that includes their analysis, key findings, and recommendations in advance of committee hearings, which typically begin in February.

“It’s important to note that JSLOC reviews the public body itself and not the program it oversees,” said Sen. Kyle Evans Gay, who will serve as vice chair of JLOSC in 2022. “Our main goal is to provide assistance and counsel on how each public body can improve its operations to better meet the public need. Sunsetting a public body is a rare measure used for entities that have concluded their mission or are no longer operational.”

JLOSC is slated to hold an initial, virtual orientation hearing at noon on January 24. A schedule of public hearings for each entity under review is slated to be released in February

The slate of entities selected for full legislative oversight and sunset review in 2022 includes:

Advisory Council on Pedestrian Awareness and Walkability – First created in 2006, the 18-member council advises the Delaware Department of Transportation on ways to make walking safer by addressing concerns related to pedestrian injuries and fatalities, raising awareness of pedestrian laws and making Delaware’s transportation system safer and more accessible to pedestrians.

Medical Marijuana Act Oversight Committee – Created in 2011, the 9-member committee oversees, evaluates and makes recommendations to the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the Delaware General Assembly regarding the First State’s medical marijuana program to ensure patients have access to safe, quality medical marijuana and compassion centers are operating in a safe and effective manner.

Governor’s Commission on Community and Volunteer Service – First established in 2004, the 22-member commission works to advance volunteerism and national service throughout Delaware.

Water Infrastructure Advisory Council – Created in 1994 and repeatedly updated over the years, the 16-member council provides recommendations to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control and the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services on loans and grants funded by the Delaware Clean Water State Revolving Fund and the Delaware Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund.

Technology Investment Council – Created in 2002, the 9-member council assesses, advises and makes recommendations on technology-related funding, works to establish a state government technology plan and enforces best practices regarding project management of technology-related efforts.

Family Law Commission – As an advisory body of the Delaware General Assembly, the 16-member commission conducts public hearings and invites public testimony as it reviews and comments on legislation impacting family law and Delaware Family Court.

Council on Libraries – First established in 1901, the 13-member council advises the Delaware Department of State on matters relating to libraries and library standards to help provide the best possible library services to the residents of Delaware.

Delaware Motion Picture and Television Development Commission – Created in 2015, the 9-member commission is tasked with recommending programs that promote a motion picture and television industry in Delaware, assisting that industry in acquiring permits and market Delaware as a desirable location for film and television locations.

Interagency Council on Adult Literacy – First created in 1991, the 15-member council is responsible for developing an action plan to advance literacy in the First State.


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