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Delaware Senate Democrats

ADVISORY: Adult Basic Education Task Force to Release Final Report Wednesday at Sussex Tech

February 26, 2024

GEORGETOWN – The Adult Basic Education Task Force will release its final report and highlight its recommendations during a 10:15 a.m. press conference at Sussex Technical High School on Wednesday, Feb. 28.

Delaware employers in the private and public sectors are building more inclusive pathways to employment by prioritizing skills over degrees, which means attaining a high school diploma is becoming more important than ever for Delawareans seeking gainful employment.

“As elected leaders, we have more work to do to ensure all Delawareans are able to meet this basic level of educational attainment,” Senator Darius Brown said. “That means doing more to keep our young people in school, offering second chances to adults who never completed high school, and better funding programs that support adults in search of the skills training and education they missed as teenagers.”

Senator Brown and Rep. Kim Williams created the Adult Basic Education Task Force in 2023 specifically to help Delaware’s adult basic education programs better support adults seeking a second chance at a high school diploma, and better align those programs with the needs of employers.

“If we want to build a strong, resilient workforce, we have to equip Delawareans of all educational backgrounds with the skills and training needed to meet the challenges of tomorrow,” Rep. Kim Williams said. “I want to thank Senator Brown for his leadership, and everyone who served on this task force for their work and dedication in addressing this important issue. The findings and recommendations contained in our report will serve as an important roadmap for unlocking the full potential of Adult Basic Education, creating a robust talent pipeline for employers, and empowering all residents – regardless of their age or educational history – to thrive and prosper.”

WHO:  Senator Darius Brown

              Rep. Kim Williams

              Members of the Adult Basic Education Task Force

WHEN: 10:15 a.m., Wednesday, February 28

WHERE:  Sussex Technical High School

                   17099 County Seat Highway

                   Georgetown, Delaware 19947



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