Section 716(a) of Title 24 prohibits annual or lifetime numerical limits on chiropractic visits for the treatment of back pain. The treatment of chronic back pain through chiropractic supportive care can prevent patients from requiring opioid pain medications or more expensive treatments. This Act prohibits the denial of insurance coverage under § 716(a) for chiropractic supportive care, which constitutes maintenance therapy. This requirement applies to policies, contracts, or certificates issued, renewed, modified, altered, amended, or reissued after December 31, 2023. In addition, this Act clarifies, but does not expand, the insurance coverage subject to the requirements under § 716(a), states that the requirements under this subsection cannot be waived by contract, and requires that the regulations implementing § 176 establish utilization review standards. This Act also updates the definitions in Chapter 7 of Title 24 to be consistent with the current scope of chiropractic practice and makes corresponding revisions to the terms used in existing law. This Act also makes technical corrections to conform existing law to the standards of the Delaware Legislative Drafting Manual.
Senate Bill 309
Legislative Highlights
Senate Bill 22
As chair of the Senate Environment & Energy Committee, Sen. Stephanie Hasen enacted legislation to protect Delaware’s native flora and fauna by limiting the sale of invasive plants, starting in 2022. Based on recommendations from the Statewide Ecological Extinction Task […]

Senate Bill 33
Sen. Stephanie Hansen further cemented her place as one of the General Assembly’s leading voices on the environment and energy by passing legislation that will significantly increase Delaware’s use of renewable energy for decades to come. Passed with bipartisan support, […]

Senate Bill 24 (S)
Continuing her work to protect Delaware’s natural environment from pollution, Sen. Stephanie Hansen enacted legislation to help curb the mass release of helium-filled balloons that clog Delaware’s waterways with petrochemical waste and threaten the lives of livestock and marine animals. […]

Senate Bill 2
Thousands of Delawareans previously unable to benefit from the cost savings and low carbon footprint of solar power are now able to reap the benefits of renewable energy thanks to a new class of community-solar generating facilities enabled by legislation […]