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Delaware Senate Democrats


Senate Bill 133

Continuing her focus on helping Delaware public schools provide evidence-based reading instruction proven to raise lagging literacy rates, Sen. Sturgeon ushered Senate Bill 133 through the Delaware General Assembly with unanimous support in both the Senate and the House. To […]

Senate Bill 133

Senate Bill 61

Teachers and other school employees (school employees) do not accrue annual leave that can be used on a flexible basis. Under current law, school employees may only use 3 days of sick leave for personal reasons and may be absent […]

Senate Bill 4 (S)

A retired public school teacher who now chairs the Senate Education Committee, Sen. Laura Sturgeon led the way in assisting our public school to raise lagging literacy rates among Delaware students by shifting the state’s reading instruction to evidence-based curricula […]

Senate Bill 4 (S)

Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 240

This Act prohibits landlords from renting a dwelling unit that the landlord knows has a current bed bug infestation. This Act also obligates landlords to notify prospective tenants if an adjacent unit or units are currently infested with or are […]