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Delaware Senate Democrats

Advisory: Delaware Legislative Black Caucus To Announce Package Of Racial Justice Bills

June 9, 2020

WHAT:  The Delaware Legislative Black Caucus will unveil a package of legislative priorities designed to address the systemic racial injustice faced by people of color.

The proposals were developed in the aftermath of protests sparked by the most recent examples of police brutality against black and brown Americans that have plagued our nation for generations. The legislative package also follows passage of nearly a dozen criminal justice reform bills signed into law during the first half of the 150th General Assembly.

WHEN: Noon, Wednesday, June 10

WHERE: Stairs on the east side of Legislative Hall

                 411 Legislative Avenue in Dover

WHO:  Senator Darius Brown, chair of the DLBC

            Rep. Sherry Dorsey Walker, vice chair of the DLBC

            Senator Elizabeth “Tizzy” Lockman, secretary of the DLBC

            Rep. Stephanie T. Bolden, treasurer of the DLBC

            Rep. Nnamdi Chukwuocha, assistant treasurer of the DLBC

            Rep. Kendra Johnson, policy chair of the DLBC

            Rep. Frank Cooke, chaplain of the DLBC

            Rep. Melissa “Mimi” Minor-Brown, parliamentarian of the DLBC 

            U.S. Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester

Governor John Carney

            Attorney General Kathy Jennings

            Wilmington Mayor Mike Purzycki

            Members of the Delaware General Assembly

            A representative from the Office of Defense Services

            Additional elected officials and stakeholder groups


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