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Delaware Senate Democrats

Senate Democrats’ statement on the passing of Justice Randy Holland

March 16, 2022

Contact: Scott Goss (302) 744-4180

The Delaware Senate Majority Caucus, led by Judiciary Committee Chair Kyle Evans Gay, President Pro Tempore Dave Sokola, Majority Leader Bryan Townsend, and Majority Whip Elizabeth Lockman, issued the following statement on the death of retired Delaware Supreme Court Justice Randy Holland:

“Justice Holland was one of the most intelligent, compassionate and dedicated jurists Delaware has ever known.

In an arena in which impressive resumes are the norm, Justice Holland stood out in every respect. A gifted athlete whose skill on the ballfield was eclipsed by his remarkable intellect, Justice Holland was a Milford High School alum who graduated cum laude from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and went onto became the youngest person to serve as a Delaware Supreme Court Justice.

Never one to rest on his laurels, he wrote more than 700 opinions on the state’s highest court, including some of the most seminal corporate law decisions ever handed down, on his way to become the longest-serving Supreme Court Justice in Delaware history. One of the most respected state constitutional law experts in Delaware, Justice Holland also was a champion of the vulnerable and the underprivileged, a mentor to generations of young lawyers and a model of professional ethics.

We were blessed to work alongside Justice Holland over the last five months as he guided us through unexplored sections of the Delaware Constitution. During that time, we discovered Justice Holland’s reputation was well deserved, but also somehow fell short of capturing the kindness, humor, and grace he brought to every meeting and phone call.

Our thoughts today are with Justice Holland’s family, his loved ones, and the people of Delaware, as they mourn a true icon of judicial excellence.”



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